Unlocking Value,

Driving Growth


Kaldi Solutions is a private equity firm focused on unlocking value and driving growth for our clients. With a team of experienced investment professionals and proven achievements, we are committed to identifying and investing in undervalued companies and assets with the potential for significant growth. Our approach is built on strategic partnerships and active engagement with our clients. We work directly with management teams to develop and execute growth plans, leveraging our industry expertise and network of resources to drive results. We believe that private equity has the power to transform companies, and we are dedicated to creating value for all our stakeholders. From our investors to the management teams of our portfolio companies, we are committed to building long-term partnerships that foster success.


Kaldi Solutions’ services are designed to help clients unlock value and drive growth for their underestimated companies. We offer a comprehensive suite of services customised to each clients’ specific needs, including capital investment, strategic planning, operational improvement, mergers and acquisitions, exit planning and industry expertise. Our investment professionals utilise their industry expertise and network of resources to help companies accomplish their objectives and maximise their growth capability. Kaldi Solutions is an active and engaged partner for our clients, proactively collaborating to help them reach their full potential. By leveraging our expertise, resources and network, we can help companies overcome challenges and capitalise on opportunities, ultimately delivering outstanding results and creating value for all stakeholders.

Capital Investment

Our firm provides a capital investment service to help our portfolio companies access their full potential. We invest in a wide range of companies and industries and provide both debt and equity financing to help companies grow and achieve their objectives. Our capital investment service is tailored to the specific needs of each company and is designed to help them achieve their short-term and long-term goals.

Strategic Planning

We work closely with our clients’ management teams to develop and execute growth plans oriented toward their unique needs. Our team uncovers our portfolio clients’ hidden value and promise and provides strategic solutions to help them capitalise on opportunities and effectively unleash their true potential.

Operational Improvement

Kaldi Solutions helps clients improve their operations to maximise efficiency and profitability. We work closely with management teams to identify areas of improvement, develop and implement new processes and track their progression over time. Our goal is to support our portfolio companies in operating more effectively, leading to increased profitability and growth.

Mergers and Acquisitions

We help our clients expand through strategic mergers and acquisitions. Our team of knowledgeable professionals are skilled in identifying and executing M&A transactions that align with our portfolio companies’ growth plans. Kaldi Solutions assists in identifying and evaluating potential acquisition targets, negotiating deals and managing transactions productively.

Exit Planning

Kaldi Solutions identifies and executes exit strategies for our clients that deliver the best results for all stakeholders. We support our clients in identifying potential buyers or investors, structuring transactions, and implementing sales. Our goal is to help our portfolio companies maximise the value of their businesses and achieve the best possible outcomes for their shareholders.

Industry Expertise

We bring our extensive industry knowledge and network of resources to help our clients succeed. Our team has deep knowledge in a wide range of industries and utilises that highly valued expertise when working directly with each client. We help them navigate the complexities of their respective industries and capitalise on opportunities that others may miss.

Recent News

The Rise and Shine of Secondary Markets

A tidal shift is underway in the private equity arena, evidenced by the swelling ranks of secondary market activity. Once a quieter segment of the industry, secondary markets have come into the limelight, signalling new opportunities and strategies for PE players.

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ESG Trends in 2023: Navigating the New Normal in Private Equity

The private equity sector is at a pivotal juncture, with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations no longer being mere ‘nice-to-haves’. For 2023, ESG has entrenched itself firmly in the investment decision-making process, providing a blueprint for sustainable growth in an ever-evolving market. Let’s delve into the notable ESG trends that are shaping the private equity landscape this year.

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We understand that every business is unique and has its own needs and goals, and we are here to help you achieve yours. Contact us to begin the perfect partnership.

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